
6 Şubat 2009 Cuma: google translate
saat 04:10 0 yorum
biraz geç oldu ama...
I want a minute, wait a minute. Mr Perez, I let the elderly. the sound is too high. I know that sounds so much higher out of a crime requires psychology. I get so high I will not sound, you know that you like. comes to kill you to kill you know very well. How are the children died in the beach, I know very well how you shoot. The two people in your country's prime minister has made me laf are important. "filistin on entry to the tank when I deemed myself happy I am another" have said the prime minister. "on the tank when I go out and into the filistin, I'm happy deemed" the prime minister has said. and would give me the number. give names, there are probably wondering. Before I would condemn those who hold the following zülme applause, because this child kill, kill these people up and also applaud so I think it is a separate crime of humanity. See here for a fact we can not put aside. I bought it not too, but I do not have the opportunity to answer all of these notes. but I only here you do not cut me a promise söyleceğim two words in the sixth article says, "kill". have to die here. two, see this also very interesting. girat atsamoni "the cruel barbarism of Israel more than anything," a Jew. Besides, do military service in Israel that the army of the Oxford University professor of international relations in the Guardian newspaper that British avi Shala says .. I want to thank you too, I'd appreciate it. for me, for me hereafter, henceforth Davos is over, I even come to Davos. Lo! it such. talk. Was 25 minutes, 12 minutes talked. no.

google'ın çeviri servisi google translate türkçe'den sistemdeki diğer dillere karşılıklı çeviri yeteneği kazandı.

bu arada yukarıdaki metin başbakanın davos çıkışının tam metni. google translate bu metni türkçe'den ingilizce'ye bu şekilde çeviriyor. fena değil.

tam metin ekşisözlük'ten.

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